Getting into college can be a major stress point for high school students, as many spend their time enrolling in extra curricular activities and working on their GPAs to impress college admissions.
However, one of the deciding factors at many institutions is standardized test scores such as the SAT and ACT. According to, more schools are beginning to offer ACT preparation courses for their students, beginning in the ninth grade.
Some analysts suggest that gradually helping students study may be a better strategy than piling on practice material all at once, as some pupils could feel extra pressure.
"Pressuring the student is never a good idea. My suggestion is to get involved freshman year, from a grades standpoint," Jeff Buckman, college and career specialist in the counseling office at Eureka High School, told the news proivder. "Grades can drive this process and overshadow a lower test score."
The ACT is a multiple choice test that focuses on four subjects, including English, math, reading and science. There is also an optional writing portion, which measures skills in developing and completing an essay.