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Report suggests that more science instruction is needed

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 03, 2011 17:52 PM

Although standardized tests typically focus on math and language arts, it appears as though there should be a greater stress on performance in science, as a new report suggests that very few students are proficient in the subject.

The National Assessment of Education Progress, which was administered in 2009 to fourth, eighth and 12th graders, found that only one or two students out of every 100 were considered advanced in science, according to The New York Times.

Overall, about a third of fourth grade students and one-fifth of seniors were seen as proficient in science, which is troubling to a number of education officials.

"In a world that is increasingly dependent on science, we are failing to educate our kids in science," Tom Luce, chief executive officer (CEO) of the National Math and Science Initiative, a nonprofit that awards grants to improve education, told the San Francisco Gate. "That's putting them at risk and putting our country at risk."

California, Arizona, Hawaii and Mississippi all were close to worst performance in terms of science, with Mississippi showing poor performance in all subjects.