Local government officials have been under pressure recently to push education reform in their school systems. With the federal government pressing for a heavier focus in standardized testing, many teachers are wondering how this will play out in terms of their evaluations.
Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino recently outlined his plans for boosting the city's graduation rate, according to the Boston Herald. Among his ideas are giving principals more responsibility, extending the school day and linking teacher pay to how their students perform on standardized tests.
"We have a plan that puts us on the threshold of citywide excellence," Menino told members of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. "But our progress will stall if we don't take the right actions."
However, with this push for reform comes a need to pay for it. According to the Boston Globe, Menino has plans to shut down nine schools in the city in order to finance the education reforms he has been pushing. Menino made it a point to link a successful economy to public education, and how something must be done in order to increase the academic standards of the city.