Westport students perform well on the ITBS |
Elementary and middle schools within the District had students begin taking the ITBS in 2008 to get a better sense of how well they perform from one year to the next, according to the news source. The ITBS, which is now known as the Iowa Assessments, tests students’ abilities in such academic areas as vocabulary, reading comprehension, math, science and social studies, states Riverside Publishing’s website. Based on data that tracked students’ scores over a four-year period, District officials found that most pupils scored above the national average, The Herald News reported. In addition, Westport was found to have a greater percentage of high-achieving students than the national average, as well as about the same percentage of medium-achieving students. While some students scored in the 70th percentile or above, Michael Sullivan, a member of the District’s school committee told the news source that he hoped more scores would be in this range. "I want to strive for excellence," Sullivan said. |