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With summer vacation comes CCSS preparation

THURSDAY, JUNE 07, 2012 15:25 PM

As students across the country step away from the classroom for summer vacation, many of their teachers are preparing to learn more about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

In North Carolina, instructors from the Durham Public Schools are scheduled to attend sessions designed to show them how to teach the CCSS, The Herald Sun reported. This is necessary, as the new Standards will be implemented during the 2012-2013 academic year, and not every educator is entirely familiar with them.

For instance, officials from the Durham district informed the news source that some people think the CCSS is optional.

Meanwhile, teachers in Mississippi’s Tupelo Public School District are taking the time to edit and revise their curriculum and pacing guides so they are aligned with the CCSS, WTVA reported. In addition, District officials will implement Class Works, a program designed to assess students at least three times a year.

"From those assessments, we can get individual learning plans for individual students," Leigh Mobley, the District’s curriculum coordinator, told the news source. "And we can meet their individual needs on a daily basis and keep a lot of data on how that student is achieving academically in all their subject areas and provide them remediation, enrichment as needed."