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West Virginia to fully implement CCSS by 2014

MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2012 13:33 PM

Although the federal government has allowed individual states to decide whether or not they want to adopt the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), only five states have declined switching to the new math and English language arts curricula, according to the CCSS' website.

West Virginia, in particular, adopted the CCSS in June 2010, but officials from the state only recently announced that they will revamp their K-12 curricula to line up with the Standards, The Associated Press reports.

Liz Cordeiro, the state Department of Education spokeswoman, said that all districts in West Virginia must adjust their English and math curricula by 2014. While all transitions must be in line with the CCSS, Cordeiro said individual counties can decide how they will implement the changes.

The CCSS is designed to give students clear benchmarks for learning as well as provide them with more real-world experiences. Cordeiro said that in math lessons in particular, a greater effort will be made to connect topics to things students experience outside of the classroom.

"...This means learning through hands-on approaches," she told The Inter-Mountain. "No more rote memorization."