
While Illinois adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) on June 24, 2010, teachers in the state are still learning about the initiative and the impact it will have on students.
For instance, some may think that the CCSS is the nationalization of education. At a recent school board meeting, Carol Jones, administrator at Paris Union School District 95, said this is not the case, The Paris Beacon-News reported. Jones added that the new Standards are implemented by individual states, not the federal government.
In addition, while the Common Core provides specific skill sets that students must master in order to prepare for life after high school, teachers will still be able to create their own lessons, the news source stated. This means that educators can use whatever methods they find useful, as long as their pupils acquire the proper knowledge and skills.
According to the CCSS’ website, superintendents, principals, teachers and school boards will continue to make decisions regarding how their institutions operate.
Jones also informed the District 95 school board that throughout the year, teachers have been attending workshops to learn more about the CCSS, The Paris Beacon-News reported.