
When children come home from school at the end of the day, their parents may ask them how their day went or what they learned about in class. In these instances, it certainly helps if parents have an understanding of how their kids are being taught and how much is expected of them in the classroom – especially if their school has implemented the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). If parents reside in one of the 45 states that have adopted the CCSS, they should be prepared for their children to encounter instruction that is more rigorous, but will also leave them better prepared for college and the workforce, according to the Standards' website. Parents who are still rather confused about the CCSS, and what it means for their kids' schooling, should be on the lookout for opportunities to expand their understanding of the Common Core. Mixing math with fun New Hampshire's Main Street School is just one institution that recently opened its doors in an effort to educate families about the CCSS. At the Main Street School's Family Math Night, preschool through second-grade students and their families had a chance to participate in a variety of hands-on math activities, the Exeter News-Letter reported. As children worked, their parents got to see what exactly they are learning about in class. "Families often ask us for things they can do to support their children's math learning, and tonight will give them lots of ideas," Karla Putney, the School's director of elementary instruction, told the news source. The chance to play computer games and measure objects, such as baseball hats and license plates, were among the CCSS-aligned activities families enjoyed over the course of the evening. An educational meeting In New York, a recent Skaneateles Parent Teacher Committee meeting provided educators with an opportunity to go over the CCSS with parents, the Auburn Citizen reported. More specifically, those in attendance were discussing the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, which are comprised of the CCSS and Board of Regents-approved additions for the state's students, according to EngageNY. During the meeting, the principals from two local schools went over the basic shifts in English language arts and math instruction students will encounter at school. "That shed light on so many things for me," Kristi Peterson, the Committee's president, said following the presentation.