Rhode Island school districts collaborate on CCSS implementation |
In states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), many school districts are handling the transition from one curriculum to another on their own. However, it is not uncommon for some school systems to collaborate to make overcoming implementation challenges less of a burden. This is the case in Rhode Island, where educators from the Tiverton School District have been working with officials from the Bristol Warren Regional School District and the Newport Public Schools, according to the Fall River Herald News. Tiverton education officials are no stranger to collaboration, as in the past, they have worked with educators from other parts of Rhode Island, such as Little Compton and Portsmouth. "The standards tell them what their focus should be," Diane Sanna, the Tiverton School District's director of curriculum, told the news source. "It makes sure they're prepared for expectations." Part of the reason why so many educators from throughout the state are coming together is tied to the fact that the transition to the CCSS in Rhode Island is expected to be complete during the 2013-2014 academic year, according to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. With this deadline fast approaching, educators need to make sure they fully understand the new Standards their students will be expected to meet. |