As school systems across the nation implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), many of them are choosing to complete this process on their own. However, officials from two Ohio school districts - the Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools and the Beachwood City Schools - understand how important this undertaking is and are making the transition together, the Sun Star Courier reported. This is the first time either of the two school districts have collaborated with another, but Ken Veon, the Beachwood curriculum director, believes that something as big as implementing the CCSS should not be done alone. Chuck Murphy, the Chagrin Falls curriculum director, liked the idea of working together, as both school systems are similar in size and close in location. "We believe working together is better than doing this in isolation," Murphy told the news source. "We’re sharing the load of interpreting the new Common Core and State Standards, and in that process, we’re all learning a lot from each other." According to Ohio's Department of Education, the CCSS, which are clear, consistent and rigorous in nature, will be used in full during the 2014-2015 academic year. This is also when Murphy expects teachers' instruction to be aligned with the Common Core.