Of the more than 40 states that have embraced the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), North Carolina was one of the earliest adopters, according to a press release from the Office of Governor Bev Perdue. Now, elementary schools in North Carolina's Davidson County are preparing to implement the new Standards, The Dispatch reported.
At a recent meeting of the County's school board, officials discussed the process of transitioning the state's current curriculum to the one established by the CCSS, according to the news source. While the Standards will be fully implemented in most elementary grades during the 2012-2013 academic year, Davidson's kindergarten through second-grade teachers and students will become acquainted with the CCSS this school year.
"Our K-2 teachers are very brave," Loryn Morrison, Davidson County district elementary lead teacher, told the news outlet. "It has been so enlightening to see the rigor and how our K-2 teachers embrace this. This is a growing process."
By adopting the Standards, North Carolina will be able to deliver a more rigorous education that is aligned with college and professional expectations, according to the CCSS' website.