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Illinois school district considers full-day kindergarten

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2012 16:51 PM

While many school districts still offer half-day kindergarten programs, those that make the transition to full-day options could have a significant impact on young children. According to the National Education Association, full-day kindergarten can ensure success on an academic, social and emotional level.

Proponents of full-day kindergarten may be pleased to learn that half of Naperville Community Unit School District 203's elementary schools could provide full-day kindergarten as early as next fall. The Chicago Tribune reported that the Illinois-based District is considering a proposal that would see full-day kindergarten introduced to its Title 1 schools first. This would ensure that low-income pupils are the first to receive additional instruction, before the remaining Naperville elementary institutions make the switch.

"It's exciting for me to think about the level of achievement we could experience by providing additional instructional time, greater access to curriculum and time for exploration and experimentation," Dan Bridges, the District's superintendent, told the news source.

District officials also believe that transitioning to full-day kindergarten could provide students more time to learn according to the Common Core State Standards. According to Jennifer Hester, Naperville's associate superintendent for learning services, more time for kindergarten instruction would also mean additional opportunities for peer interaction.