As schools across the country work to transition to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Regional Office of Education (ROE) in Illinois is focused on training educators from different districts so they can return to their schools as CCSS implementation leaders, the Alton Telegraph reported.
In Madison County, Illinois, teachers have been eager to seek out help transitioning to the Common Core, the news source stated. Fortunately, the ROE has organized several workshops to assist these educators.
"When I approached the districts in Madison County, a vast majority said they wanted to be part of the workshops," said Marvin Warner, director of school improvement services for the Madison County ROE.
A total of 12 Madison County school districts have participated in the program, according to the news outlet. In Warner’s opinion, this opportunity’s biggest benefit is the fact that every district has sent a representative to the table. This allows these individuals to use the knowledge they have gained to lead their colleagues back at school.
According to the Illinois State Board of Education’s website, once implemented, the CCSS will provide students with clearer, internationally benchmarked standards that will help with the development of 21st-century skills.