How California's Standards are raising the bar for writing |
The vast majority of states in the U.S. have adopted the Common Core State Standards as a way to improve their children's education and provide better college- and career-readiness skills and knowledge. California adopted the CCSS in August of 2010, but the state made some additions based on standards that had already been implemented state-wide by the California Department of Education. The state's additions in every subject, including mathematics, reading, language, writing and more, ensure California's children are prepared for their Core-aligned exams, but also for their futures. For writing in particular, the Common Core identifies four areas of writing that should develop as children advance through elementary, middle and high school. Here's how California is raising the bar for each of these areas of writing, over and above what's laid out in the CCSS: Text types and purposes In middle school, California's CCSS writing Standards are more focused on informative texts. Beginning in grade six, and lasting through middle and high school, California expects students to learn and be able to write thesis statements, a concept that isn't mentioned in the Common Core. The CCSS requires students to introduce a topic clearly for an informative paper, but doesn't mention thesis statements. However, they are key to college success. In eighth grade, California adds to the types of informative texts students should be writing. For instance, they include "career development documents," meaning job applications and other basic business texts. These writing skills are crucial for career readiness. For 11th and 12th grade students, the California Common Core introduces the idea of using rhetorical devices in argument writing to support their viewpoints. In other words, students should be able to use devices like logical reasoning, emotional appeals, anecdotes and more to make their points clearly and effectively. Production and distribution of writing Research to build and present knowledge Range of writing All of these additions and adjustments made by California to the Common Core State Standards are very important for helping students understand what they need to know to be successful in college and careers. |