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Florida school district aims to dispel CCSS myths

WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 09:00 AM

In a world where so many people have access to the Internet, it is easier than ever for misinformation to spread. This is a problem many of the 45 states that adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are facing. In some cases, the myths generated by CCSS opponents are reaching people faster than the truth.

As a result, districts like Florida's Lake County Schools are actively trying to dispel CCSS myths and instead focus on the educational benefits of embracing the new Standards. Lake County Schools officials recently held a forum designed to separate fact from fiction regarding the Common Core, the Orlando Sentinel reported. District teachers were on hand at the Clermont Community Center to discuss how they are preparing for the CCSS.

In addition, the district has a website devoted to college and career readiness that clears up a few Common Core myths. Along with the usual inaccurate myths, such as the belief that the Standards were developed without any input from teachers, there are concerns that the CCSS are meant to take away students' privacy rights. Those who believe children's academic information will be available to anyone without written consent from a parent because of the Common Core are misinformed.

"The only disclosure exceptions pertain to health and safety emergencies, school transfers, referral to state and local authorities for compliance, or release to research organizations," the district website reads.