For many teachers, one of the perks of their profession is the time off they receive during the summer months. Some educators travel, while others devote their vacation to other passions. However, as school districts across the country prepare to fully implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a number of instructors are spending their summer learning about this education initiative. For example, hundreds of teachers recently gathered at the School Improvement Innovation Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, to discuss the CCSS, among other aspects of the education sector, District Administration Magazine reported. In some cases, instructors came from as far as Alaska and the U.S. Virgin Islands to be a part of this professional development event. Meanwhile, in Tennessee, thousands of educators and administrators are spending time in the classroom to make sure they are ready for the shift to Common Core-aligned curricula, according to The Leaf Chronicle. Helen Nicholas, an academic coach at Tennessee's Carmel Elementary School, is among the education officials who are excited about the CCSS. "We’re going to give them the tools, and we’re going to challenge them to become critical thinkers and problem-solvers," Nicholas told the news source. "Instead of just covering things on the surface, we want kids to really understand."