
As schools across the country implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it is just as important for parents to know about this national initiative as it is for teachers. However, for many families living in the U.S., English is not their primary language. This, in turn, may prevent some parents from receiving the information they seek regarding the CCSS.
In Delaware, for instance, 8.2 percent of the population was comprised of individuals of Hispanic or Latino origin in 2010, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, 12.2 percent of Delaware residents spoke a language other than English at home between 2006 and 2010.
The Delaware Parent Teachers Association (PTA) recognizes the First State’s diverse population and, as a result, will present a CCSS workshop in Spanish, Brandywine East Community News reported. This event will take place on April 28 at Warner Elementary School in Wilmington.
During the workshop, which is being organized in partnership with the Latin American Community Center, attendees will learn what the CCSS are, why they matter and how they will be implemented.