New York is among the states that are currently in the process of implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Since the adoption of the Standards, the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) has worked hard to implement the education initiative and ensure that its students are prepared for college and their professional careers.
However, the NYC DOE is not alone in its efforts. The Middle College National Consortium Schools (MCNC) is also focused on making sure the CCSS are properly aligned with college and work expectations. The four schools that comprise the MCNC have each proven their commitment to increasing students’ level of college readiness.
For instance, over the past two years, Middle College High School at LaGuardia Community College has collaborated with the NYC DOE on a pilot program designed to look at text complexity, as well as literacy in subjects like English and science.
Meanwhile, International High School at LaGuardia Community College, another member of the MCNC, provided teachers with opportunities for training and professional development. The institution also hired a literacy consultant to work with instructors and make sure they are ready for the CCSS.