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Conference to assemble educators from 6 California districts

TUESDAY, MARCH 05, 2013 10:07 AM

California is among the states to embrace the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which means that educators are currently in the process of learning about them. As the CCSS will change the way instructors teach, it is in their best interest to pursue opportunities for professional development focused on the Common Core.

Santa Ynez Valley is home to six California school districts, and soon, educators from each one will have a chance to participate in professional development activities at a joint conference, the Santa Ynez Valley News reported. During this event, which will be held at Santa Ynez Valley Union High School on March 11, administrators, faculty and staff will come together to discuss the CCSS - the focus of this year's conference.

Those who are in attendance will have a chance to participate in seminars led by school officials from the local area.

As this event is not open to every teacher in the Golden State, other educators may be looking for ways to enhance their knowledge of the CCSS. Fortunately, the California Department of Education's website features several resources, such as presentations and webinars on what they can expect from the English language arts and mathematics Standards.