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CCSS to prepare more New Yorkers for college and the workforce

TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012 15:51 PM

New Yorkers have reason to celebrate, as the Big Apple’s high school graduation rate made gains for the 10th consecutive year, according to the New York Department of Education’s website. However, while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done.

On the plus side, a record number of students - 52,069 - graduated from New York City high schools four years after entering. This was a significant increase over 2010’s total of 51,006.

"When our administration began, schools hadn’t seen significant increases in their graduation rates in more than a decade," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as quoted by the website. "Yet through our strategies to improve education, we’ve steadily improved graduation rates and student achievement for the 10th consecutive year."

Despite Bloomberg’s enthusiasm, the fact remains that about a third of New York State’s students are not considered to be ready for college or the workforce, The Associated Press reported. There is a belief that the adoption of the Common Core State Standards, paired with a greater focus on teacher effectiveness, will make a difference in improving the quality of the high school diploma pupils earn.