Alabama business groups defend the CCSS |
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have faced criticism for some time now, but recent developments in Alabama show that opponents may be gaining some traction. Using a voice vote, the state's Senate Education Committee was able to pass a bill that would take down the CCSS, The Associated Press reported. Now, those responsible for this act are facing opposition of their own in the form of the Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA), according to the Birmingham Business Journal. The BBA, along with business groups from the four largest cities in Alabama, are not pleased with the actions of the Senate Education Committee. "We are deeply concerned that the Senate Education Committee passed Senate Bill 403 out on a voice vote without a clear majority of those members actually voting in favor of giving the Bill a favorable report," read a letter from the BBA to the Alabama Legislature's Rules Committee. The BBA and other business groups are doing just what U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was hoping they would - stand up for the CCSS. According to Education Week, Duncan recently urged the nation's business community to increase its political advocacy for the Common Core in the face of opposition. |