Adding creativity to curriculum |
If you were to ask a group of highly intelligent leaders what the world would be like in 5, 10 or maybe 15 years, none of them would be 100 percent sure. Thanks to new technology and instant communication capabilities, every industry has the ability to grow and evolve at different rates. Certain booming fields didn't exist a few years ago, and jobs no one can imagine will be around when students currently in high school graduate from college. Because the world is in a state of constant flux, it's important to prepare kids for the unpredictable. The whole philosophy (if you can call it that) of the Common Core State Standards is to get students ready for college and their future careers by engaging them with math and literacy deeply. And while the critical thinking skills the Common Core imparts are important for future success, they alone cannot arm students for unknown job markets. What they really need (and many experts agree) is an education in creativity. Evolution of ages Creative education Kids are born with an innate creativity that allows them to imagine some of the most astounding things. However, society tends to teach that creativity away as children age. We tell them that a stick is just a stick, not a sword or a wand. But it's that imagination that society needs in its world leaders. The challenge education currently faces is to grow and develop kids intellectually to prepare them for the rigors of college, but to also praise and cultivate their imaginative energies. |