Using technology in the classroom is a great way to supplement curricula and increase student engagement. Kids are constantly occupied with tech, whether it's in the form of a phone or an iPad, and in today's world, knowing how to navigate and understand online systems is a great skill. So, instead of scolding kids for their interest in technology, teachers should embrace the change and start incorporating various technological resources into class learning.
1. Assign student blogs
Give kids regular writing assignments that they have to post to an online blog. Students will be more enthusiastic about participating in the task because it's on a favored medium. Also, by allowing students to personalize the site to their liking, teachers will be given extra insight into what activities and hobbies students enjoy. Instructors can then use this information in class to create projects and assignments that incorporate these interests and promote student engagement.
2. Create a class website
Making a website available specifically for class use has many benefits for teachers and students, Teach Hub notes. Instructors can use this medium to post class assignments, reminders and upcoming events so students remember what work needs to be completed. By creating a news reel, teachers can also commend student work by posting it online for the rest of the class to view. Students will be excited when one of their assignments gets chosen for the feed and will work harder to achieve this privilege.
3. Encourage e-books
A lot of people still enjoy the traditional feel and even scent of a paperback book, but e-books come with their own advantages. For example, Literacy Daily notes that many e-readers have a text-to-speech feature to help kids who may be struggling with word pronunciation. Some have links to word definitions, as well. These tools can help students learn class vocabulary more thoroughly.
4. Utilize online practice tests
Preparing students for PARCC tests and other online exams is another beneficial aspect of using technology in the classroom. By giving students online practice tests, the kids become familiar with the technology they will be using during exam time while studying relevant information.
These are only a few of the ways online tools can be utilized. Technology helps instructors teach lessons so much more effectively by providing supplemental instruction to readings and assignments. Parents and educators worry about how well a child is learning a class subject, but with the help of online resources, kids gain a deeper understanding of the information they are being taught.