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About the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA)

What is the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA)?

The North Dakota State Assessments (NDSA) is a comprehensive program designed to provide information about what students know in core academic areas. The exams can be used for placement and evaluation of a student's progress. Our comprehensive practice materials help students prepare for success on these all important exams.

Practice Tests for the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA)

Our curriculum is focused around actual material that a student is likely to see on the upcoming North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) test. Nationally known for delivering high quality and affordable materials that help students improve their scores, we provide you both paper-based instruction and easy to use online test preparation.

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More About the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) Tests

State Testing Information for North Dakota

Portions of the following material were taken from the Department of Education website. Please consult your state's education website for further information on the actual tests administered for your school.

North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) is the statewide assessments that measure student performance against the state’s challenging content and achievement standards in select academic subjects and grades. The NDSA consists of general, criterion-referenced assessments for all students in grades 3-8 and 10 in English language arts/literacy and mathematics, and in grades 4, 8, and 11 in science. The Assessment Unit administers all aspects of the NDSA, ensuring that each assessment meets rigorous program requirements for validity and reliability, inclusion, technical quality, and reporting, as required under federally mandated peer review specifications. The annual administration of the NDSA is required under state (N.D.C.C. 15.1-21-08) and federal law.

The NDSA in English language arts/literacy and mathematics is aligned to North Dakota State content standards. The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction contracts with American Institutes for Research (AIR) to manage the statewide administration of the annual NDSA English language arts/literacy and mathematics assessments.

Smarter Balanced is a comprehensive system designed to measure how well students are learning the K–12 Standards in English language arts (ELA) and math. It was developed by a multi-state partnership of educators, researchers, policymakers, and community groups. Results from the new tests can be used to show how students, schools, and districts are performing. It will also allow states to be compared to each other using a standard tool.

Having a common set of ELA and math standards across states will result in efficiencies for students, teachers, and state budgets. For example, a student moving from one state to another should have a fairly seamless transition because the standards will be the same for both states. Teacher training programs and curricular materials can be developed using the common standards.

The work of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is guided by the belief that a high-quality assessment system can provide information and tools for teachers and schools to improve instruction and help students succeed – regardless of disability, language or subgroup. The development of the assessment has and will continue to involve experienced educators, researchers, state and local policymakers and community groups working together in a transparent and consensus-driven process.

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