About the North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) Assessment
What is the North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) Assessment?
The North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests (EOG) were developed to evaluate student performance on the objectives, goals, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. These include Reading and Mathematics for grades 3-8 as well as Science for grades 5 and 8.
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More About the North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests
Assessment Information North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests - North Carolina Pretest
- Grade: 3 - Subjects: Reading Comprehension, Mathematics - Measures the knowledge and skills specified for grade 2 from the reading and mathematics goals and objectives of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study - A comparison of the results from the pretest and the results from the regular spring grade 3 end-of-grade administrations allows schools to measure growth in achievement in reading comprehension and mathematics at the third-grade level. - The pretest is not designed to make student placement or diagnostic decisions.
- North Carolina End-of-Grade Mathematics Tests
- Grades: 3–8 - Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, and Algebra
- North Carolina End-of-Grade–Reading Comprehension Tests
- Grades: 3–8 - Assessed by having students read authentic selections and then answer questions directly related to the selections - Knowledge of vocabulary is assessed indirectly through application and understanding of terms within the context of selections and questions. - The authentic selections selected for the reading tests are chosen to reflect reading for various purposes such as literary experience, gaining information, and performing a task.
- North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests of Science
- Grades: 5, 8 - Require students to demonstrate knowledge of important principles and concepts, understand and interpret laboratory activities, and relate scientific information to everyday situations - In order to align with this curriculum's focus on inquiry, these tests have an increased focus on processing information and higher-order thinking skills.
State Testing Information for North Carolina Portions of the following material were taken from the North Carolina Department of Education website. Please see our links and source sections at the bottom of the page for more details and references. General Description of the Tests North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests - Grades: 3-8, 10
- Subjects: Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, Science
- Designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study
- Include: (see Assessment Information below)
- North Carolina Pretest (Grade 3) - North Carolina End-of-Grade Mathematics Tests (Grades 3–8) - North Carolina End-of-Grade–Reading Comprehension Tests (Grades 3–8) - North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests of Science (Grades 5 and 8) - Alternate Assessments: NCCLAS | NCEXTEND2 EOG | NCEXTEND1
North Carolina Writing Instruction System Pilot - Grades: 4, 7
- Primary goals:
- Emphasize the importance of incorporating writing and writing instruction in all classrooms - Provide numerous opportunities for teachers to monitor students’ growth throughout the school year - Based on writing across the curriculum in each content area and involves all educators, not just English/language arts educators
- Students will complete two content-specific writing assignments and two on-demand writing tasks.
North Carolina Writing Assessments - Grade: 10
- Students write an extended informational response (definition or cause/effect).
- Measure the following in content: focus, organization, support and elaboration, style, sentence formation, usage, and mechanics, which includes spelling
North Carolina End-Of-Course Tests - Used to sample a student’s knowledge of subject-related concepts as specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and to provide a global estimate of the student’s mastery of the material in a particular content area
- Students enrolled in the following courses are required to take the North Carolina EOC tests: Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, English I, Geometry, Physical Science, Physics, Civics and Economics, and U.S. History
North Carolina Tests of Computer Skills - Beginning at grade eight, all students must meet the computer skills graduation requirement based on the competencies of the K–8 computer skills curriculum as defined in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Alternate Assessments - Students with disabilities or students who are unable to access the Online Test of Computer Skills
- North Carolina Checklist of Academic Standards (NCCLAS)
- Computer Skills Alternate Assessment
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - Grades: 4, 8, 12
- Subject: Reading, Mathematics, Science, Writing, U.S. History, Civics, Geography, Arts
- Also known as "the Nation's Report Card"
- The only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas
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