About the Delaware System of Student Assessments (DeSSA)
What is the Delaware System of Student Assessments (DeSSA)?
The Delaware System of Student Assessments (DeSSA) is a comprehensive program designed to provide information about what students know in core academic areas including Mathematics, Literacy, English Language Arts (ELA), Science and Social Science. The exams can be used for placement and evaluation of a student's progress. The DeSSA replaced the Smarter Balanced and DCAS Assessments.
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State Testing Information for Delaware
Portions of the following material were taken from the
Department of Education website. Please consult your state's education website
for further information on the actual tests administered for your school.
While the Delaware content standards provide clear expectations for student learning, assessment is the process for collecting evidence of every learner's knowledge, skills, competencies, or behaviors. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) emphasizes the need for each state to offer students a balanced assessment system (BAS). Delaware's balanced system of assessments allows educators and students to measure learning not just each spring during statewide testing, but throughout the year to inform ongoing instruction as well.
DeSSA offers students, families and educators multiple types of assessments to measure student learning:
Summative Assessments:
Administered after the material is taught. Nearly all DeSSA summative assessments occur each spring. DeSSA's summative assessments support ongoing instruction at the end of the year and into the next school year. Examples: Smarter ELA/math, NAEP, SAT.
Interim Assessments:
Administered during instruction to measure knowledge and skills to inform the classroom, district, or state level. Examples: End-of-unit tests, Smarter interims.
Measures ongoing learning while there is still time to change instruction. Benchmarks alert teachers to student needs.
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