More About the Alabama ACAP Summative Assessment Tests
State Testing Information for
Alabama Portions of the following material were taken from the
Department of Education website. Please consult your state's education website
for further information on the actual tests administered for your school.
What is the Alabama Scantron Performance Assessment?
The Scantron Performance Series is a web-based, computer-adaptive test used for the following:
- to identify a student’s ability levels and help him or her master important concepts with customized materials
- to demonstrate academic growth over time
- to assist teachers in planning instruction through immediate, detailed reports
The Performance Series assessments adjust to a student’s abilities, beginning in relation to a student’s current grade and adapting to a student’s responses as he or she answers each question. Questions get easier when a student answers incorrectly and more challenging when he or she answers correctly. This individualizes every testing experience and more accurately measures a student’s ability, as well as helps determine his or her next steps in the classroom.
These benchmark (Scantron Performance) assessments that are taken online help determine student progress in math, reading, and 7th grade science. Scores fall in 4 categories: Quartile 1- Below Average; Quartile 2- Low Average; Quartile 3- High Average; Quartile 4- Above Average.
The spring (April) administration of the Scantron Performance Series will be for state accountablility. The Scantron Performance Series is administered in September, January, and April.
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