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About the Nevada Criterion Referenced Tests (Nevada CRT)

What is the Nevada Criterion Referenced Tests (Nevada CRT)?

State Testing Information for Nevada

Portions of the following material were taken from the Nevada Department of Education website. Please see our links and source sections at the bottom of the page for more details and references.

General Description of the Tests

Nevada Proficiency Examination Program (NPEP)

  • Includes the following assessments:

  • - High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE) in Reading and Mathematics
    - Writing Assessments
    - Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
    - Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED)
    - Criterion-Referenced Tests in Reading, Mathematics, and Science (CRT)
    - Language Proficiency Assessment
    - Nevada Alternate Scales of Academic Achievement (NASAA)
    - National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP)

Practice Tests for the Nevada Criterion Referenced Tests (Nevada CRT)

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More About the Nevada Criterion Referenced Tests (Nevada CRT) Tests

Assessment Information

Nevada Criterion Referenced Tests (Nevada CRT)

  • Grades: 3-8
  • Subjects: Mathematics, Reading, Science

Nevada Norm Referenced Testing (NRT) - ITBS

  • Grades: 4, 7, 10
  • Subjects: Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science
  • A type of test, assessment, or evaluation in which the tested individual is compared to a sample of his or her peers
  • The primary goal of the Nevada NRT is to provide parents, students, educators, and policymakers with normative data that may be used for evaluating student, school, and district performance.

Writing Assessment

  • Grades: 5, 8, 11
  • Students are asked to produce a writing sample that is then scored by trained readers.

Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA)

  • Subjects: Mathematics, Reading, Science
  • The state assessment of alternate achievement standards
  • Designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

  • Grades: 4, 8, 12
  • Subjects: Reading, Mathematics, Science, Writing, U.S. History
  • Also referred to as the Nation's Report Card
  • A continuing and nationally representative assessment of student performance in several content areas
  • Results are not reported in terms of individual students but are only reported for the state as a whole or as part of the national results.
  • Allows the public to analyze results at the national and state level with disaggregated achievement estimates being provided based on gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, limited English proficiency and several other factors

Testing Schedule


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