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A background to TerraNova

THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2011 17:03 PM

Some academics may feel that children are not being challenged enough through standardized testing because it typically only covers the math and language arts subjects. However, the TerraNova exams offer an array of subjects that test the achievement potential of students.

The exams test students in kindergarten through 12th grade on their knowledge in reading, language arts, math, social studies, science, vocabulary and spelling. Published by McGraw-Hill, the public education system of California uses the exams as part of its California Achievement Tests (CAT-6).

As California was one of the first states to have the standardized tests, the CAT was available before more states started to require the exams. When the No Child Left Behind Act came into fruition, requiring that all students in the public school system take a form of standardized tests, states quickly adopted their own exams. Now, TerraNova is used by many Department of Defense Dependents Schools as well.

Although the test is typically multiple choice, students in the fifth grade and higher also must give short answer responses on their exams.