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School district sees positive ITBS results

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2010 17:37 PM

Since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act, there has been a great push to monitor student progress with exams on a yearly basis. Some schools choose to use the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) in order to properly gauge how their students are faring in the academic curriculum.

Walton County Public Schools in Georgia found that their students were on par for their grade level, but there is still work to be done in terms of catching up against the rest of the nation, according to the Walton Tribune.

"This year's ITBS results show that our students are competing very well with students across the nation at every grade level," Louise Hutchens, testing coordinator for WCPS, told the news provider. "In addition, the average academic growth, across all groups, indicates that our students are moving forward at or above the expected levels."

The ITBS is already used throughout the state of Georgia, as well as Iowa, Montana, Nevada, Utah and many other parochial and Catholic schools across the country.