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Illinois school district to focus on 21st century skills

TUESDAY, APRIL 03, 2012 15:33 PM

On June 24, 2010, Illinois adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This means that institutions within the Morris Elementary School District 54 are among those working toward implementing the new Standards, according to the Morris Daily Herald.

However, the District is focused on more than just the CCSS. In a recent column, Morris Superintendent Teri Shaw wrote about the ways in which students will be moving beyond the Common Core.

During a recent goal-setting session, the District Board of Education decided that for the 2012-2013 academic year, students would be challenged to achieve excellence and receive an enriched educational experience through the integration of technology in their classrooms. This will ensure that in addition to acquiring the knowledge and skills they will need in college and beyond, students will have a better handle on their technology they will use throughout life.

This will be made possible as the District curriculum aligns to guidelines for the development of 21st century skills. According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills website, students who follow the established framework can enhance their skills related to creativity, innovation, communication, critical thinking and problem solving. In Shaw’s opinion, the use of Google, Wikipedia, Microsoft Office and other technology will help students become more engaged learners.