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Educators still see the value in cursive writing instruction

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2012 16:08 PM

With a greater emphasis needed on developing students' typing skills, North Carolina's Pitt County Schools is the latest district to do away with cursive writing instruction under the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Burlington Times News reported.

While district officials still see the value in teaching cursive, they told the news source there is simply no time in students' schedules for lessons on this style of writing. However, by next year, officials hope to have a plan for reintroducing cursive to Pitt County's curriculum.

While being able to write in cursive is a valuable skill, it is not something that is used in college and the workplace as frequently as typing skills. However, this does not mean every educator is ready to forget cursive writing ever existed.

This is apparent based on the number of teachers who attend Handwriting Without Tears workshops, The Advocate reported. At a recent event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 25 educators from various states came together to learn about handwriting instruction. In the opinion of Patty Bunce, a Handwriting Without Tears presenter, children come to love learning about handwriting, so long as it is taught right.

"They feel success," Bunce told the news outlet. "And when they can write well, they are willing to try other things in school. It really has a broad-based impact."